Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Supplemental Training for Your Golf Swing Muscles (part 1 of 2)

The golf swing is a complex motion that involves the entire body. This complicated rotational movement uses as many as 32 individual muscles. Like any other physical skill, repetition using the proper form is the best way to improve. However, the dedicated golfer can rapidly increase their skill level by supplementing the basic swing drills with exercises specifically designed to strengthen crucial muscle groups and optimize their response.

Breaking Down the Swing

The three basic components to this movement are called the back swing, the down swing, and the follow through. Most of the power needed to drive the ball across the course is generated by the forward swing component. The back swing stretches key muscles in order to maximize their ability to generate power in the down swing. A properly executed follow through is necessary to reduce the possibility of injury by allowing muscles to reach their full biomechanical configuration before returning to their resting state.

The power for the swing is built up in three areas, the trunk, the arms, and the wrists. Force generated through the trunk is mainly a translation of rotational force around a pivot and is primarily a function of building momentum. This requires a strong base and a stable pivot. The pivot points are the spine and the hip joints.

The bulk of the propulsive power is generated through the arms, where contraction of the muscles greatly increases the velocity of the club. The seemingly inconsequential contribution of the wrist is important for stability and in order to properly direct the forces the swing has built up

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